Active and Passive Verb Tenses

Active voice and Passive voice, Active and Passive Verb Tenses in english, present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past simple, past continuous, past perfect, future simple, infinitive, modals;  

Present simpleReporters write news reportsNews reports are written by reporters
Present continuousMichael is baking a brownieA brownie is being baked by  Michael.
Past simpleThe company hired new workers last year.New workers were hired by the company last year.
Past continuousThe salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the sotre.
Present perfectThey have already discussed the book.The book has already been discussed.
Past perfectHe had delivered the letters.The letters had been delivered.
Future simpleThe company will hire new workers.New workers will be hired by the company.
InfinitiveShe has to deliver the letters.The letters have to be delivered.
ModalsShe must deliver the letters.The letters must be delivered.

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